The Let's Play Archive

Betrayal at Krondor

by PurpleXVI

Part 25: Explosion Chest, Explosion City and Explosion Cave, Part 1

Update 25: Explosion Chest, Explosion City and Explosion Cave, Part 1

When we last left off, Owyn found yet another spell he probably wasn't ever going to cast, and we were ready to take the western road down to the Kingdom and hope there wasn't an army encamped over there, too.

The first section of the trip is still within the blast radius of Nalar's Rib, just in the opposite direction from where we went first, so aside from the sound of scavengers pecking at dead trolls' eyeballs, it's pretty chill.

I'm screenshotting the overhead map here to show off that L-shaped hill to the northwest, because it feels like nine times out of ten, when there's one of those, the developers hid one or more chests on the "inside" of it, so if you're playing this at home and not using a guide, it's worth popping Eyes of Ishap or just sauntering over to take a closer look if you ever notice one of these on the map. Their shape is hard to make out from the first person view, however.



C'mon, you've done that one before, too. Hang on, haven't you actually done that one twice before?

In any case, aside from some generic supplies and yet another Glory Hand I'll never use, there's another Wyvern's Egg in this one. We're approaching the part of the game where they could theoretically become useful but... honestly, inventory space is just at way too much of a premium for me to ever consider it.

Past a few more trees we arrive at the road leading south to Harlech and Armengar, which is also where we start seeing living Moredhel again, possibly drawn in to check out what the nuclear explosion on the horizon was.

They should probably have stayed away. This side road is also worth checking out, as it has yet another of the few wells in the game that aren't just full of water.

BaK posted:

Standing before the well made Owyn feel very strange, like a thousand eyes were watching him, staring at him, burning into his soul. He shivered uncontrollably.

"This well is said to have special properties, though few have ever been able to drink from it," Gorath said.

"Why is that?" asked Owyn, still shivering.

Gorath turned slowly and looked down at Owyn. "Because it is very dangerous -- and because only practicers of magic can survive its powers. The decision is yours, my young friend. Do you wish to drink from the well, Owyn?"


Owyn took a sip of the magical water.

At first there was no effect, save the powerful beating of his heart, which had actually begun even before the water touched his lips. Then, slowly, colors began to swirl in front of him, a rainbow with wings that dipped and soared, creating beautiful patterns of light and color in the air. Faster, faster, blending, crashing together until at last an image began to form. Owyn refused to blink, for fear it would go away if he closed his eyes for even an instant.

Then it spoke, not in words but in impressions and images that invaded Owyn's mind. They swarmed inside his head like bees in a hive, until he thought he could stand it no longer. Then they were gone.

"We have to go to the magician's house," he said looking up at Gorath.

Some house. :v:

BaK posted:

Standing in the tent, which lay on the crumbled remains of the magician's house, Owyn felt the same strange feeling of power that he had experienced at the well. Guided by the images that had flashed in his head, and now remained there, burning in his memory, he walked to the northeast corner of the tent and began to dig. Gorath joined him and a few inches under the surface their fingers touched the wooden frame of a small box. Pulling the box from its earthy grave, Owyn looked inside.

A single magical scroll inhabited the box, and he took it hastily. Then they left.

It's sadly just a scroll of Unfortunate Flux, but if you didn't have it when you started chapter 4 and got here before you met Cullich, it could save you 300 gold, which is a sizable amount if you stay largely on the intended paths.

Somewhere in the area there's also a tent with some dialogue that I overlooked, but since I have a full text dump... here it is!

BaK posted:

As they approached the tent Owyn could hear the sounds of someone working inside. Abruptly, the sound stopped. Gorath called out a greeting in moredhel and a moment later a small moredhel joined them.

"Well, my elusive friend," he said, I heard news you had been recaptured, but I see you have eluded Delekhan once again. And what of the rest of the Green Heart Clan?"

Gorath stole a glance beyond the moredhel, into the tent, then spoke slowly, "Some fled, others have been pressed into service by Delekhan. And what of you, old friend? What is your story?"

"I have no loyalties. My ship has always been steered by the Captain least likely to get me killed. Now, I stockpile supplies for the army that approaches."

"You do not think Delekhan's plan to attack the Kingdom will get you killed? Just as your brothers were killed following Murmandamus?" Gorath shot back.

"When that time comes, perhaps I will seek a new Captain," he said. He looked at Gorath for a long time, then added, "There are some boxes to the southeast. Now go."

I like these little bits that imply Gorath knows a lot of people in the Northlands, or at least that a lot of them know of him and that he's at least mildly famous.

Approaching Harlech, there's a bit of dialogue that's intended to play but which I couldn't manage to trigger, so...

BaK posted:

GORATH: Before us lies Harlech. We will have to turn to the east and skirt along the mountains.

OWYN: Why? We could probably do with picking up a few supplies. Surely we can get through if we just duck in and back out.

GORATH: It is not that simple. Among my kin, my appearance is...well known.

OWYN: Why? Are you a prince or something?

GORATH: Aside from Delekhan, there is only one other moredhel of high station other than myself. I suspect him long dead, slain by Moraeulf when I fled the Northlands and encountered your Seigneur Locklear...

OWYN: But if you're so important, then surely we can find help!

GORATH: No...all claims I may have once had were sundered when first I left the Northlands. I have unresolvable differences with most of my kindred. This is not the time to be discussing such things. We must turn to the east. Be careful of how you walk here, Owyn.

Of course, this will only happen if you don't cast And The Light Shall Lie. One thing that's important to note is that despite it having a two-hour duration or so per cast, that's barely enough time to walk through Harlech, so cast it three or four times, making the durations stack, and then walk into Harlech, which has a few things of note besides Moreaulf's residence.

BaK posted:

Owyn didn't feel any different. All seemed normal, save the very faint glow that seemed to surround his body. He held up his hand and wiggled his fingers while Gorath watched with bemused interest.

"I'm afraid your spell didn't work," he said. "Perhaps you should try it again."

"But it did work! You can't see the effects because the spell was specifically designed for Moraeulf. Let's go."

Aside from this guarded house, which contains Moreaulf, there are a couple of other doors we can knock on.

BaK posted:

A young female moredhel answered Gorath's knock.

"Why do you bring this Kingdom dog to my door?" she demanded in moredhel, looking at Owyn.

"He is," replied Gorath. "He entertains me with his magic tricks."

This was quite funny to both of them and they had a hearty laugh. Owyn, unable to understand the language, just looked puzzled.

"What news in Harlech?" asked Gorath.

"All who are able to fight have gone North toward Sar-Sargoth. Delekhan has been performing some magic tricks of his own. The Six are very powerful, they say."

They talked for a short while as Owyn fidgeted nearby. When the door finally closed, Owyn asked, "What was so funny? Why did you two start laughing?"

"I told her you were my pet," Gorath said, smiling.

Owyn's expression changed to an appalled stare. "You told her WHAT?"

"Sorry, my young friend. I had to tell her what she wanted to hear."


Gorath hesitated at the door before knocking.

Inside, he overheard what sounded like several men engaged in an argument in a foreign tongue, but abruptly, one voice cut through the rest. " will have to speak more slowly. You know how poorly I speak your language. Please, please..."

Another voice. "Then we speak in the Kingdom tongue. The issue still remains. It is possible these wyverns will break those spells which hold them in our grasp. They are strong willed, these reptiles."

"Not enough so," came another voice. "Even if we do lose control, we can always regain it by using that lesser path affair, what was it called? Thy Master's Will. But it requires a physical component does it not? An egg of one of these creatures?"

For a long moment the tone of the argument became subdued as the men lapsed once more into the alien language, but once more he was able to recognize a phrase in the Kingdom tongue. " is vital we conduct the experiment. The Wyvern is similar enough a beast so it must be studied to see if it is indeed possible for us to utilize the device that was found in the ruins. I, for one, wish to avoid any unexpected surges of self-will when we confront the actual creature and the best way to test that is to drive them into Elvandar."

Shortly the conversation drew to a close. Immediately, Gorath feared the arguing men might discover him listening at the door, but within he could hear no evidence they were moving to leave. Instead, after several minutes, he heard what sounded like a series of loud claps and then all became absolutely silent within.

That second one is also somewhat interesting, anyway, let's go interrupt Moreaulf's day and annoy him.

BaK posted:

Gorath knocked on the wooden door.

They were greeted by a uniformed moredhel who stared at Owyn for a moment before ushering them inside. After leading them into a back room, the guard presented them to Moraeulf.

If anyone in this game looks like a random programmer that they made wear a goofy cosplay outfit and some dorky elf ears, it's this guy. Fuckin' look at him.

Sar-Sargoth has been besieged. Lord Narab and an unknown number of confidants freed dissidents trapped in the dungeons and fled north. Delekhan requests that you and the remaining members of the Six lend immediate assistance.

Madness! I have my troops in position, ready to march and our target is only a week's expedition from here. If we leave now, we will not be in position when the time comes for the final strike! Surely Delekhan doesn't intend to divert us into the snowplains to chase a handful of cowards?!

The intentions of your father are unknown to me. I merely bring his message. Further, he requests progress reports on your activities.

If he were not my father, I would slit his impertinent throat! What does he wish to know?

Moreaulf only has one keyword, so it feels a bit like they originally planned to have more dialogue with him but eventually scrapped it for some reason or another. There's a way to get a second keyword on him, but even then it feels somewhat limited compared to most other characters we've met with keyword-based interaction, and we don't even get this first one unless we've met Cullich, which is an odd thing since we couldn't even get to Moreaulf's house without having met her and learning And The Light Shall Lie. Strange.


Your father has expressed concern that he has been inadequately informed about the activities of the Six. He demands an immediate report.

Father knows as well as I how the Six conduct their business! They do not report to me anything beyond complaints their lodgings are too cold and that they do not care for the food! I do not trust their motives. They speak only to their leader and he comes only when it suits him. If it were my decision to make, I would turn them all into the snow and let them freeze.

But they are crucial to the attack at Northwarden, are they not?

Northwarden is of little importance. It's the goal beyond that concerns me. What shall happen should we have Murmandamus back among our ranks?

How would that be possible? Murmandamus is dead.

I will answer my father's questions, messenger, but I am not here for your own curiosity.

Now that we've gotten this completely useless information out of him, let's skedaddle the fuck out of here and southwards.

Just south of Harlech, pinned into a hole in the mountains is the only temple in the Northlands section. Very easy to miss, which is a shame considering how easy it is to get poisoned to fuck and back up here.

The Temple of Guiswa, like the Temple of Ruthia, has one of those "no one wants to talk to these wandering nerds"-messages, which is once again a bit of a shame because of how little we learn about Guiswa in the actual books. The only thing we learn is that he's referred to as the "Red Jawed Hunter" and that his religion involves ritual hunts for humans(and possibly other sapients? who can tell). Without knowing more, it's rather hard to understand why Guiswa is allowed a major temple in Krondor, for instance. Every other god seems to have both a harsh and a benevolent face, so presumably Guiswa would have one as well. In any case, while the prices are exorbitant, they offer level 3 blessings, so I splurge on getting Owyn and Gorath's armors blessed up while we're here. It clears out most of the cash reserves, but they really don't need anything else for now.

Also sadly they don't offer teleportation services. :v: That would've been pretty funny if it was an option for extremely rich players to just pay a teleportation surcharge to zoop out of danger. :v:

A bit farther south there's a chest I could not for the life of me find, so I had to make the extremely shameful decision and bust out Eyes of Ishap to detect it, and now you guys get to see what using the spell looks like!

I actually really like what a clear indication it gives you, zero coy or mystic bullshit.


The main score here is that this one contains an Elven Crossbow if you've yet to find one for Gorath, which is a great pick and allows him to nail most of his shots when also using Elven Quarrels. Occasionally handy if there's a fleeing or wounded enemy out of walk-up-and-bash range, for instance.

Another thing worth noting is that as you move south of Harlech towards Armengar, the landscape just starts being absolutely covered by bushes containing rations and restoratives, you can apparently collect close to 150 Restoratives in this region, and for context so far in the game I've used maybe 50 in total. So it's a lot, it'd take up a full third of a character's inventory.

A bit further on and a side path leads us to this stump. The stump just contains a bit of gold, but if you're a clever boy you pop Eyes of Ishap and notice a container in the trees behind it, and go to check it out. Then you pop Scent of Sarig and notice it's trapped! "Ah," you think, "clever move, developers! But I trust that any chest here, while I am bereft of a true rogue, would either be disarmable or not instantly annihilate my party with its damage!" and then you open it and die. Because it requires 77 Lockpicking which I think you'd need to lug three Amulets of the Upright Man up here to disarm(there are none to buy or find in the Northlands) and does an absurd 180 damage which is still close to 125% of Gorath's total.

It contains scrolls of Nightfingers, Bane of the Black Slayers and Skin of the Dragon, which aren't bad but... yeah, you literally cannot get it without being psychic and obsessive.

Past that, and another couple of goblin ambushes, we finally reach Armengar, which would be reasonably hype to you if you read Darkness At Sethanon and liked it.

So, at the start of Darkness, Arutha fakes his own death so Murmandamus will initiate his plans, approach the Kingdom, and perhaps give Arutha a chance to stab him in the brain and end the madness. This results in him travelling north with Duke Laurie and Martin(a good chunk of the Kingdom's high nobility now out in the field risking their lives), Jimmy, Locklear, Roald and Baru. After a bit of shenanigans, they cross south over the Teeth of the World near the Thunderhell Steppe and the Great Edder Forest(both in this game replaced with Nalar's Rib and a frosty lawn south of Sar-Sargoth), before being captured by the humans of Armengar. The humans of Armengar turn out to be distantly related to Baru Serpentslayer's people and to have, through a series of janky events, adopted Amos Trask and Guy du Bas-Tyra as their leading generals in their constant battle for survival against the Moredhel.

Also the city with its unbreachable walls is built on top of a natural spring of Naphtha. Arutha makes peace with Guy after learning more about him and his motivations, and then they withstand a siege for a month or so. At the end of it, Guy reveals that he's been stockpiling the Naphtha for years in preparation for the eventual fall of Armengar, and as everyone sneaks out of a secret back passage, they set fire to years' worth of stockpiled naphtha explosives, annihilating a large chunk of Murmandamus' army and literally blowing most of the city up.

The lore is also somewhat weird since it was a Glamredhel city and not a Moredhel city in the books. Also if you're confused what a Glamredhel is, they used to live in the aforementioned Great Edder Forest as a bunch of vicious barbarians. Love the woods, like Eledhel, don't love the Valheru magic like Moredhel, but also have no connection to the Eledhel queen, to Eledhel magic, etc. they were generally implied to once have explicitly chosen not to be magical and instead to focus on technology, which allowed them to build the un-defeatable walls of Sar-Isbandia(and Sar-Sargoth), but then the first Murmandamus drove them from both cities and into the Great Edder(he was killed at Sar-Isbandia).

Between Sethanon and Betrayal they travel from the Great Edder to the Green Heart and join the Eledhel, but don't become Eledhel, remaining a people apart.

Aside from a shop and a tavern, Armengar in BaK has this sub-screen where you can collect some free Napththa for weapon-enhancing, but getting greedy and trying to collect it twice will harm Gorath.

We're here at the Giant's Broth for an easily-missed NPC lurking in the background on the right...

BaK posted:

Gorath motioned to the figure across the room.

The man walked over to join them. He stood before them, eyebrows arched inquisitively.

I see that you have little wish to keep your head attached to your shoulders, Irmelyn. Your tongue wags and you drool your brains onto the table for all to see. Your drink makes you a fool.

What the drink makes me is only of concern to me and the tavern keeper. Leave me be, yellowtail.

I suggest you consider advice from one who has suffered Delekhan's wrath and lived to tell the tale. I take it that some acquaintances of yours have been detained by Delekhan's magicians?

What of it? Nothing's to be done. The Six have thrown Obkhar to Venutrier and his dogs and tomorrow they'll come round and hurry the lot of us to our deaths.

I propose we help one another rather than work against. What could you offer in exchange for Obkhar's release from the naphtha mines?

If you can manage that, I can get you half the boy's weight in gold or the equivalent thereof. Obkhar's tribe alone would willing pay such a ransom.

Then get you hence and gather those fees and we will see what may be engineered. We will meet you again in this tavern when we have achieved Obkhar's release.

Nothing prevents us from just heading south and leaving the Northlands now, but this sidequest is A) canon and B) interesting. Let's roll out.